Does your company sell products that need to be properly wrapped up before they can leave your production floor and get sent out on a pallet or truck to the local store or directly to your customers? If so, you've likely already stocked up on plastic sheeting or other materials and likely have a wrapping process that you follow to make things efficient. But if you are still wrapping every product by hand and not using a turntable wrapper, you are not yet doing things as efficiently as you could be. Here's why your company might want to buy turntable wrapping equipment before it's time for your next shipment.
Pack and Protect Your Products More Efficiently With a Turntable
A turntable wrapping device makes it easy to get the wrapping all the way around the product. You won't have to personally walk around the product while holding the plastic wrap any longer. You simply put the product in the right spot on the turntable, turn it on (or move it manually) and the wrapper will go securely around the entire product. A tool like this can help you wrap more products more quickly than what you are doing right now.
Make Sure Every Product is Wrapped and Packaged With the Same Professional Consistency
While you likely have your manual wrapping process down pat, you are only human, as are the rest of your employees. Without the aid of a machine, you might not wrap every product exactly the same. This could mean at least some products will leave your business without the same level of protection. Better overall consistency for every product's packaging will make your company look more professional in the eyes of both retailers and your customers.
Use Less Plastic or Other Wrapping Materials By Wrapping It Correctly the First Time
Because a turntable wrapper can offer better consistency and will make fewer mistakes than a human employee, you will likely be able to use less plastic or other packaging materials over time. In other words, you won't have to rip off the plastic sheeting and start over like you might if a human worker makes mistake while walking around the product.
Using less plastic sheeting over time will save your company money, of course. But it could also help create less waste that you need to worry about recycling or throwing out into the trash. An investment in better wrapping equipment can lower your costs and your environmental footprint.